Chemotherapy, Delayed Radiation and Brain Tumors



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Chemotherapy for brain tumors.

Traditionally, cytotoxic drugs have played a limited role in the treatment of brain tumors, but important advances in chemotherapy have occurred during the past decade. Certain central nervous system (CNS) malignancies are remarkably chemosensitive. These include primary CNS lymphoma, medulloblastoma, oligodendroglioma, and intracranial germ-cell tumors. This review focuses on advances in the c...

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Chemotherapy for Brain Tumors

悪性腫瘍 に対す る化学療 法の原則 には3通 りの仮定が あ る.第1は 治癒 するためにはすべての腫瘍 細胞が死滅 し,除 去 され なければな らない とす る説,第2は 生体 に は免疫学 的防御機構 が存 在す るか ら,あ る数 まで腫瘍 細 胞 を減 らす ことができれ ば,あ とは生体 の 自然 に備わ っ た防衛能 力で治癒 す ることができる とす る説,そ して第 3は,悪 性腫瘍 細胞を分化す ることがで きれば,た とえ 腫瘍 細胞が存 在 していて も増殖,転 移 によって生体 に悪 影響 を及ぼす ことな く,正 常組織 と平和共存で きるであ ろ うとする仮説 である.残 念 なが ら今 目,こ の仮説のい ずれが正 しいのか,そ の詳細は不明であ る.現 実的 には 悪性腫瘍 細胞 を減 らすためには5種 類 の治療 方 式 が あ る.す なわち,...

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Chemotherapy for malignant brain tumors of childhood.

During the past 3 decades, chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of pediatric brain tumors have been extensively evaluated in a myriad of schedules, doses, and combinations. Remarkable advances in outcome have been achieved for certain children, notably those with medulloblastoma, but with a high cost to quality of life. In addition, the success achieved for medulloblastoma is offset by lac...

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Brain Tumors Eduard H. Panosyan, MD1; Yuntao Wang, PhD1; Peng Xia, MS1; Wai-Nang Paul Lee, MD1; Youngju Pak, PhD1; Dan R. Laks, MS2; Henry J. Lin, MD1; Theodore B. Moore, MD3,4; Timothy F. Cloughesy, MD4; Harley I. Kornblum, MD, PhD2,3,4; Joseph L. Lasky III, MD1. 1Department of Pediatrics, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center and Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute, Torrance, California; 2Departme...

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Advances in radiation therapy for brain tumors.

Radiation therapy is used postoperatively as adjunctive therapy to decrease local failure; to delay tumor progression and prolong survival; as a curative treatment; as a therapy that halts further tumor growth; to alter function; and for palliation. Registration of MRI scan data sets with the treatment-planning CT scan is essential for accurate definition of the tumor and surrounding organs at ...

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عنوان ژورنال: Pediatric Neurology Briefs

سال: 1993

ISSN: 2166-6482,1043-3155

DOI: 10.15844/pedneurbriefs-7-6-9